Join us for Cave Readings 2 featuring Julian T Brolaski and David Larsen.
Fuck me harder, leave the haters behind
As you know I am a slut for leisure
Arrest me on the mountaintop's incline,
For I've klepted when I ought to please your
Neglected epic skin, and pull your hair.
When the people call my pigtails prairie
Step in, honey, and set the aspect square
Put me in a suit and call me Mary,
Transcoping this goy's grist or that one's scope.
Holy monogram, how you like to tease,
Tender cufflink, I'm hurting for the grope
That sets my alpha at its churlish ease.
So strap me to the bed and knife my garter
Until I'm screaming baby fuck me harder.
- Julian T. Brolaski
Julian Talamantez Brolaski is the author of Advice for Lovers (City Lights 2012), gowanus atropolis (Ugly Duckling Presse 2011), and co-editor of NO GENDER: Reflections on the Life & Work of kari edwards (Litmus Press / Belladonna Books 2009). Of Mongrelitude is forthcoming from Wave Books in 2017. Julian lives in Oakland, and is the lead singer and rhythm guitarist in the country band The Western Skyline (
As a poet, David Larsen received his training in San Francisco's Bay Area. The 2005 release of his verse collection The Thorn was followed by two years as coordinator of the New Yipes video/reading series at Oakland's late, lamented 21 Grand. Since that time, he has bounced around a lot, but he makes it back almost every summer for a visit. He now works mainly as a literary translator of Classical Arabic texts, and his translation of Ibn Khalawayh's Names of the Lion will be re-released in 2017 by Wave Books. For his translation blog, see David Larsen lives in New York City.